Sunday, August 19, 2007

*** The Introduction of a Supporting Character

Joan sat on the edge of her chair, trying to be still, and yet not completely able to achieve even the slightest variation on the theme of tranquility. Her foot tapped out a rhythm to the faint music coming from her neighbor's car stereo. How nice of them to share, she though in sarcastic commentary. Every day at this time it was the same thing, a ritual of suburban destruction. Her neighbor would lumber into the yard next door, beer swilling (and not even good beer for that matter), open the hood of some yet to be distinguished hunk of metal. Rog said it was a collector car, but all Joan could see was junk on blocks that only heighten the sense that her land values were slinking slowly downward. Even her border flowers could not spruce up this monstrosity.

Absently, she chewed on her lip, a small nervous habit she had developed recently and of which she was totally unaware. Every morning she awoke, wondering why her lips looked mangled and the imprint of her teeth showed through any semblance of lipstick she wore. This would never do for a bride to be. Eventually Rog would notice and probably find those lips that he had once loved to caress with his own, hideous and grotesque. Maybe he would call off the engagement.

Oddly panic did not come with this thought. It would almost be a relief to not have to worry about the various contrivances of the wedding process. No more decisions, no more worry if her parents would approve of this color or if Rog's parents would mind sitting there. No more having to be creative in who she would invite and who she would not.

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