Her Fab life. Yes, anyone can have a fab life, Penny thought, even she. Here was a new web community for the movers and shakers, the up and coming, even the I-have-arrived female. And what a relief, it was all about urban culture, not soccer games, and how to raise your children just a bit better. No, this site had the newest fashions, restaurants, hot spots, shops, and spas that a young urbanite could frequent. These were the places that would be destined to become trendy, but she could be part of the trend setting. Spas, now that would be nice. A decent massage and pedicure might make the difference of the day being another day in the many or a brilliant day. She could reviews to help her find a spa with a cool restaurant nearby and then head out to some wonderfully cultural event afterwards. And this would help her avoid the all name, no substance places out there. And she could do it by herself, after all that what the successful in happiness women did. They just went out and did, waiting for no invitations to do so. Yes, she could be this type of person and now she had the web site to help guide her. Perhaps she would gain a network of friends. Perhaps she would become the expert on the nouveau of the town, contributing her own reviews and ideas.
HerFabLife.com was also into equality or fairness. There was even a menu option for this hip guy of a fab girl (clearing her throat, woman) to enjoy, just making a truly fabulous couple. Nice, thought Penny. Perhaps if she met a guy like those on "Hot Guy of the Week," she too could be part of a fabulous couple, or not. Maybe she would soon love the idea of freedom.
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