The younger girl just looked at her strangely and shook her head.
"Well, in the original series, the one made before I was even born, there was a Vulcan character, who was incredibly wise." The other girl still looked puzzled. "So, we will just ask about people who channel and see what we can learn."
She knew that by using this tool to find others who had experience with channeling or being a medium, they might find all they needed to know to help them proceed. It was not just random hit or miss searching. Rather it was organized information about people into a resource that would let one type in key words (such as channeling or medium) and then provide a list of relevant data. would search other sources about a person from the web including bios and social networking pages or Internet sites, as well as other’s information about the source. One could add pictures, links, and tags to enhance a listing. One could even vote on the information in a listing as to its appropriateness. But it was not social networking. Though people could join the Spock community, being able to add to the resource and interface through messages and such, this was more of a handy way to find information about particular people or interests.
She typed “channeling” into the question queue. She pressed the return key. The results followed and gave several potential people to look into for insight. Some were famous, some were not.
"That is amazing that there are so many others that have this in common with me," the younger girl said, looking both relieved and at awe with the screen.
"At least you have found a others," agreed the one whose fingers had flown along the keypad.